Monday, May 26, 2014

Six Months

Dear Alain,

You turned six months old today! Although we celebrated your half birthday last weekend at Grandma and Grandpa Scott's house, I wanted to take some time today to think and write about the past six months we've had with you. Every day, for six months, I have gotten to kiss you, snuggle you, and watch you learn about the world. Daddy has, too. This makes us both so happy. We love taking care of you and sharing our lives with you. You have challenged and delighted us as we've learned about you and watched you develop your own personality.

I have so many favorite things about you that it's hard to list. I love your smile-it lights up your whole face and delights whomever you smile at. I love to nibble on your cheeks and chin. I love to hear your voice-your "victory yell" and laughs and squeals and babbles. I love the face you make right after you roll over onto your back during tummy time. I love your "blank face" that you give people when you are first warming up to them. I love when you fall asleep in my arms. I love to watch you play with Daddy. (Daddy loves the way you look up at him from the stroller when he's about to pick you up.) I love the face you make when you're focusing hard on a task. I love how I can tell what kind of mood you're in just by looking at your feet. I love how you sometimes insist on leaning back and looking at the world upside-down.

Happy half-birthday, my dear, sweet, silly, happy boy.

6 month old "Alain-bear"
20.5lbs, 26.5in long
Loves to play with Farm Tails book, sip water out of a glass, and pull his socks off : )

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